Monday, September 16, 2013

really yeast infections? iewwww

OK ladies here's one topic for us......Yeast infection's!!!!!!

Yup that cottage cheese looking thingymadjig that discomfort that itchiness and worse of all when your partner decides lets have sex!!! Uuggggg I mean if you've been with that same partner for a while you can easily brush it off but if its somebody new what the hell do you say or do? I mean its only so much you can have your period in a month lol I have used all types of excuses thank god I have a comedian as a boyfriend that whenever I get a YI he already knows my tricks so automatically he asks me if I am baking bread or making beer pffff.
The point is what do you do when u already have one?how do we avoid having one?
Well a dear friend of mine decided to go the natural way and let me tell u what a trip she heard something about putting the garlic in your vajayjay and leave it in for a bit what they didn't explain to her is that its best using a ropey thingy to pull it out when done, so yeah I guess you know what happens next lol it got lost in there and poor girl had to go fishing deep to find it wasn't easy but eventually got it and it cleared up her infection lol so ii guess make sure you do your research before sticking anything up there lol

I remember having to avoid sex and it sucked so i decided to go in for it anyway little did I knew that men can get it too it became a whole ping pong effect but eventually tough me a reason. When they say no sexual intercourse during a YI they mean in pfff no shit!!!

Here are somethings you can eat that's actually good to prevent YI
Basmati rice
Whole millet grain
Yogurt less sugar possible

Things to avoid:
White bread
Basically all the good stuff pffff

I hope i was somewhat of help in this itchy situation
Remember to go comando (no underwear) as much as possible and if not wear cotton underwear, wash up immediately after the gym and avoid walking around in wet clothes that fungi loves harbouring itself in humid environment :)
:) and keep giving your man the excuses make sure u go to the gyno aswell hes there to keep u nice and healthy so dont be shy to spread em wideeee
Toodles and take care of your vajayjay!!!!!

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