Does anybody know what is primary foods? Well let me give u a little example.
Remember when you were little and you were playing outside with your friends and its lunch time your mom calls you in to come eat and you just don't want to because your having Way to much fun with your friends that you forgot it was time to eat?!, well that feeling is a type of primary food your body is so busy feeling Happy and excited that it forgets it needs food.
Primary foods in fact has nothing to do with food yet everything to do with how your eating.
Primary foods basically is whats going on in your everyday life and if you are happy or not like when your in love you can sit next to that person for hours and not feel hungry just himear prescience makes you full, full with love and happiness.
The main components of primary foods are :
obviously there are more but if you are lacking or missing anyone of these components the body reacts to that for example.
You are not happy with your job so you go everyday hating life and when u come back home the first thing your gonna do is abuse your body by A over eating or B not eating, your body starts craving things and mostly bad things because your not Happy with on part of your life it takes you down a selfdistruct path which can cause getting overweight or vice versa. This is why its very important to have each aspect of your life in balance of course its not an easy task and will take time but start being aware of it so u can fight it. And if u do have each aspect in your life in perfect balance please call me tell me how u did it hahah but honestly this is a main reason why people self destruct themselves without knowing it.
So search your heart look at your life see where u are out of balance and what are you doing about it, did u know that sugar craving relates to lack of love?
What I am trying to say when your are in perfect harmony and Happy you will always have that feeling that your full and don't need to eat as much as you think you do once the good energy flows through your body even your digestion gets better.
Pls look into this and see where is it that your out of balance tell me a story lets work on it to getter :)
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