Wednesday, September 18, 2013

survival of the wholessssss

Ok so my cousin send me out this link and i thought it was genius because as much as i love trying to eat healthy and giving my body all the great nutrients it needs  i do notice that as a new comer to whole foods or somebody just dabbling in the experience for research this happens quite allot  don't get me wrong i love whole foods and i believe in there motto but read this article its awesome.............yet so true kinda.....

let me know what you think pls give me your feed back on this :) enjoyyyy

Monday, September 16, 2013

really yeast infections? iewwww

OK ladies here's one topic for us......Yeast infection's!!!!!!

Yup that cottage cheese looking thingymadjig that discomfort that itchiness and worse of all when your partner decides lets have sex!!! Uuggggg I mean if you've been with that same partner for a while you can easily brush it off but if its somebody new what the hell do you say or do? I mean its only so much you can have your period in a month lol I have used all types of excuses thank god I have a comedian as a boyfriend that whenever I get a YI he already knows my tricks so automatically he asks me if I am baking bread or making beer pffff.
The point is what do you do when u already have one?how do we avoid having one?
Well a dear friend of mine decided to go the natural way and let me tell u what a trip she heard something about putting the garlic in your vajayjay and leave it in for a bit what they didn't explain to her is that its best using a ropey thingy to pull it out when done, so yeah I guess you know what happens next lol it got lost in there and poor girl had to go fishing deep to find it wasn't easy but eventually got it and it cleared up her infection lol so ii guess make sure you do your research before sticking anything up there lol

I remember having to avoid sex and it sucked so i decided to go in for it anyway little did I knew that men can get it too it became a whole ping pong effect but eventually tough me a reason. When they say no sexual intercourse during a YI they mean in pfff no shit!!!

Here are somethings you can eat that's actually good to prevent YI
Basmati rice
Whole millet grain
Yogurt less sugar possible

Things to avoid:
White bread
Basically all the good stuff pffff

I hope i was somewhat of help in this itchy situation
Remember to go comando (no underwear) as much as possible and if not wear cotton underwear, wash up immediately after the gym and avoid walking around in wet clothes that fungi loves harbouring itself in humid environment :)
:) and keep giving your man the excuses make sure u go to the gyno aswell hes there to keep u nice and healthy so dont be shy to spread em wideeee
Toodles and take care of your vajayjay!!!!!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

primary foods

Does anybody know what is primary foods? Well let me give u a little example.
Remember when you were little and you were playing outside with your friends and its lunch time your mom calls you in to come eat and you just don't want to because your having Way to much fun with your friends that you forgot it was time to eat?!, well that feeling is a type of primary food your body is so busy feeling Happy and excited that it forgets it needs food.
Primary foods in fact has nothing to do with food yet everything to do with how your eating.
Primary foods basically is whats going on in your everyday life and if you are happy or not like when your in love you can sit next to that person for hours and not feel hungry just himear prescience makes you full, full with love and happiness.
The main components of primary foods are :
obviously there are more but if you are lacking or missing anyone of these components the body reacts to that for example.
You are not happy with your job so you go everyday hating life and when u come back home the first thing your gonna do is abuse your body by A over eating or B not eating, your body starts craving things and mostly bad things because your not Happy with on part of your life it takes you down a selfdistruct path which can cause getting overweight or vice versa. This is why its very important to have each aspect of your life in balance of course its not an easy task and will take time but start being aware of it so u can fight it. And if u do have each aspect in your life in perfect balance please call me tell me how u did it hahah but honestly this is a main reason why people self destruct themselves without knowing it.

So search your heart look at your life see where u are out of balance and what are you doing about it, did u know that sugar craving relates to lack of love?
What I am trying to say when your are in perfect harmony and Happy you will always have that feeling that your full and don't need to eat as much as you think you do once the good energy flows through your body even your digestion gets better.

Pls look into this and see where is it that your out of balance tell me a story lets work on it to getter :)

Saturday, September 14, 2013


Well this is the first time i am doing this blog thingy but i figured why not, there will be many grammar mistakes so bare with me since English is not my primary language.

i thought i start by introducing myself and what i am about :)

my name is Joann i come from the beautiful island of curacao but have been living in Miami  Florida for almost 13 years now. i am a 33 year old single mom which many of you can relate hence why i decided to start up this blog.
My main goal is to talk about relationships primary foods secondary foods sex and fashion, but manly sex and food which is just something we plainly cant live with out.

I am not a physiologist or a doctor i am just a woman who has been through a lot and believes that life itself teaches us many things,experience is a strong instrument and once you get it under your belt its the best tool in life.........mind you everyday there are new experiences so keep an eye out for them, some may hurt, others may be amazing whether they suck or not they are our building blocks to wisdom and so we may pass them on to our children.

i must warn you some of my material is very open and unfiltered i have a sailor mouth and i am very detailed with my descriptions so if you can handle the F word or feel offended when i say penetration then dont even bother :) the rest of you lets have fun with this and start sharing our experience together.